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Terminal enthusiast, learning from Curious George (the curious part, not the monkey business). Systems and backend programming are my focus. Striving to turn spaghetti code into well-structured algorithms and make every line count with efficiency and creativity.
- languages: zig, rust, go, c, c++, python
- frameworks: tokio, fastapi, flask
- libraries: torch, kafka
- tools: git, bash, make, gdb, docker
- typescript
- java
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In my free time, I work on MOS, my minimal operating system. This project has deepened my understanding of OS internals, and I'm planning to rewrite it for the RISC-V architecture. Users interact with the terminal through command line and terminal user interfaces designed for ease of use and efficiency.
During my summer internship at Amplifier Health, I developed a service that sorts audio files into three categories: speech, music, and noise. I wrote it in Rust with tch-rs and Axum aiming for better performance. The service is designed to be fast, using efficient multithreading on the CPU and taking advantage of the GPU for highly parallel processing.
An experiment using a microservice architecture that transcribes and summarizes audio into text using OpenAI's API. Each service has its own function that it performs, and the services communicate with each other through Kafka, where jobs are requested and results are received. The entire system can be easily deployed with a Docker Compose file.
srcTutor Connect
For HSHacks 2024, my friends and I developed a website to help students find tutors. Recognizing that not every school has a dedicated portal for peer tutoring, we created a district-wide, easily accessible platform. We used ReactJS for the user interface and Firebase for storage and authentication. In the end, we won 3rd place!
srcCSC Website
I built a website for the Computer Science Club (CSC) at Prospect High School during a mini-hackathon. The site displays important information it fetches from the Schoology API. Members can share their projects using their Google account and uploading their work to a SQLite database.
src liveVeterans Website
For HSHacks 2023, my very first hackathon, I created a website for an organization that helps veterans manage donations. Donors can use their Venmo account to donate to the organization. They receive a notification on their phone for confirmation, and each donor gets a thank-you email as a gesture of appreciation.